Thursday, 29 November 2012


I made a bold descision for my photographing on this project. I have previously worked with my sister on all of my work since I started hairdressing in 2008. I have always entrusted in her as she is just like me, we understand each other and our ideas bounce off of each other. However, I have decided to take a leap of faith and entrust my project with somebody else. I am going to have to do this throughout my career and felt it would be a good time to start now. I put word about on Facebook- personal and on group pages, to my friends and contacts I have met over the years. I had a ridiculous amount of feedback and it was actually quite difficult to have to decide on who to work with. Some people would have had to travel and I felt it was easier for someone Southampton based on this occasion.

Alexandra Satchwell is a third year Fashion Photography student and she was keen to work with me on this project, we discussed each others ideas and then decided to work together, I am also now going to do Hair and Makeup for a project for her in January.

Alexandra has been amazing, she has listened to my thoughts and has come back to me with ideas and research and I am really excited to work with her and see what we can accomplish together.

These are a few of the styles of photography that we have been looking at. We are looking at angles and lighting that will show off both the Hair and Makeup and to flow along the lines of my original inspiration from Tim Walker. These are images shot by Tim Walker, Patrick demarchelier and Tish Evangelista. I'm really excited!!
When talking and discussing my ideas and storyboards with sharon she suggested that was the type of look I was trying to achieve like the phtographer Paco Peregrin. Paco Peregrin is a Spanish Photographer and so from the suggestion of Sharon and went off and researched his work. I'm glad that Sharon understood from my storyboards that this is exactly the type of look I was going for.
Here are some of his images I find inspirational to this project especially for my Editorial piece.

 In particular what is so amazing about this reference to Paco Peregrin is it is not only the Photography that I love and has inspired my feel for the shoots but also the hair and make-up which is absolutely stunning and is exactly the same vibe I want to create with my Editorial shoot.
I hope I can achieve something similar in style to this.

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