Thursday, 29 November 2012

Wig application

In our class we learnt about wig application. We learnt all the steps from preparing the hair underneath the wig to the application of it and styling. It was interesting to learn the difference between the wigs and what products and equipment you can and can't use with them. I wanted to pay particular attention to this class as I am wanting to use this process within my design.

In this session we practiced on each other, trying lots of different types of wigs. It was great fun and very rewarding! Here are some that I used.

We had a guest lecture from the incredible wig artist Seema Chopra! She was so inspirational, as I have previously worked as a hairdresser I found this aspect of working with hair really interesting. It is such a difficult job! you have to have a lot of patience. In the workshop after I thought it would be worthwhile practicing some ideas I have had for my shoot. I have been particularly inspired by one of the Ganguro images I have used thoughout my research where she wears a large white wig, all fluffy and wild. I thought I would attempt to recreate this look. Seema was very helpful and her critisim was useful and helped to open my eyes that little bit more. Sometimes when I have an idea in my mind I become very stubborn and will stick to it as I have that ideal image in my mind and find it difficult to adjust as I want to achieve my look. However, Sheema gave me some positive and negative feedback. She suggested that maybe the wig would look better if it was a little more structured and the braiding brought to the front laid nicely from the scalp to nape. At first I didn't agree and thought I knew what I was doing. So I tried my attempt first to see the look and then hers. I do actually agree and can see where she was coming from with the idea of structuring it more. Although I still do like the idea of the size of the wig so I am going to compromise and make the wig bigger and wilder yet structure it slightly! win-win!!

Here is the process...
I used sponges to create padding in the hair to get the hair the size I wanted and then backcombed the hair and smoothed it down and styled to hide the sponges and to create the shape I envisaged.


My first attempt at my idea

                                                         The more structured version

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